MG-18 Bowl Chopper / Multifunction cutting muchsine


My son fall in love with spicy spratelloides gracilis and he finished the meal very fast recently.
Whew, what a relief! (Hahaha...)
We already knew that we need to cut the chili before making the fry spicy spratelloides gracilis, this is a big process to make it very fine.
Suddenly, our Bowl Chopper just pop out in my mind! It can reach what I need!
After our engineer process, I take the videoes and share with you all.
Lets enjoy it!

Bowl Chopper / Multifunction cutting muchsine / Omnipotent bowl choppe

Multipurpose bowl chopper / basin bowl chopper
Bowl Chopper / Multifunction cutting muchsine / Omnipotent bowl chopper / Multipurpose bowl chopper / basin bowl chopper